Best Way to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview

Interview Tips / November 8, 2021

“Tell Me About Yourself”.

This popular interview question is easy to answer on paper, of course, we can write about ourselves anytime. But when it is thrown to you as an open-ended question, how do you intend to tackle it?

The truth is, many people struggle with this question when in an interview for a job in the hospitality industry (and even other industries).

Do not worry, you are not alone. In this article, we will take you through the easiest way to answer this dreadful interview question. So let’s jump right into it.

Use the W.A.P Strategy

The “Tell Me About Yourself” question is a way for your interviewer to ease into the actual interview and get a general idea of who and what you are. It serves as an introduction and your question will serve as a lead to the next question. Thus, see the question as your opportunity to leave a good first impression.

We strongly recommend the W.A.P strategy. Wondering what this even means? Keep on reading for what we have in stock for you,

When asked “Tell Me About Yourself”, you should use the WORK, ACADEMIC, PERSONAL (WAP) answer method. Your answer should focus on these areas:

WORK: 80% of your answer should be about your previous work experience and accomplishments.

ACADEMIC: Include 10-15% answers about your educational background. Talk about your certifications and academic achievements.

PERSONAL: The remaining 5-10% should summarize your personal life, but ensure to keep it short and simple.

3 Essential Tips on How Best to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”

#1 Keep Your Answer Brief & Professional: The interviewer is definitely not interested in knowing about your entire life story. We strongly advise you to keep your answer brief and under 2-3 minutes at most. Ensure to stick to your main points which are of course relevant to the hospitality job you are applying for.

#2 Avoid Cramming Answers: No doubt, you are most likely to be asked “Tell Me About Yourself” in every interview you attend. This can tempt you to memorize a generic response for all interviews. We advise that you practice your answer but avoid memorizing or cramming the whole answer. This is because you are most likely to go blank at the interview.

#3 Be Confident: Try as much as possible to show yourself in the “bold” light. Let them see how you are a good fit. Shun fear and speak with confidence.

The dreadful interview question “Tell Me About Yourself” can be utilized as a great tool to show your interviewer you are a great fit for the hospitality job. Deliver your answers with confidence using the strategies we’ve highlighted above.