Residence Inn Providence


Set a pace that suits you at Residence Inn Providence Downtown in the heart of Providence, RI. Whether you're with us for a few days, a few weeks or a few months, your daily routine matters. You'll thrive at Residence Inn with the conveniences you need. Our downtown hotel is wired with free, high-speed internet for connecting to work and the outside world. To start mornings off right, we serve a complimentary hotel breakfast, followed later on by evening social hours. Later, top-off your night at The Grand Cocktail Bar, located right in the lobby, and offering beer, wine, and spirits from 6PM-11PM daily. Additional thoughtful amenities include a fitness center, meeting room and fresh coffee always brewing in the lobby. For relaxing and unwinding when you want, we offer spacious studio and one-bedroom suites with separate living and sleeping areas, featuring a fully equipped kitchen ready to prepare favorite dishes from the groceries delivered by our free delivery service

Address 100 Sabin Street, Providence, RI 02903
Property Type Hotel
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