Will a New Job Be Better? 5 Reasons to Appreciate the One You Have

Career Advice / June 28, 2011

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener – How Looking for a New Job Can Make You Appreciate the One You Have

From time to time, we’ve all thought about leaving our job. You may be overdue for a raise, bored out of your mind, or just sick and tired of office politics. Whatever the reason, it’s natural to daydream about greener pastures –and it never hurts to take a look at what might be out there. However, before you make a move to what appears to be “greener” grass, thoroughly compare any new possibilities to the position you’re planning to leave. You may even find that looking for a new job makes you appreciate the one you have.

Perhaps the biggest reason you may find to appreciate your current job is that you already have it. With more than 13 million Americans out of work (and more than 6.2 million unemployed for more than 27 weeks), it can be tough to find a new position. Your current job may not be perfect, but it is probably better than no job at all.

If your current job offers flexible work hours, there is another reason to appreciate it. Flexibility is quite rare in a time when so many companies have been forced to function with less staff due to economic constraints. Taking a new position may get you away from whatever is annoying you at the old, but it may also leave you with a stricter schedule and less vacation time.

Do you like your coworkers (or at least some of them)? If so, that’s another reason to appreciate your current job. Office friends make the nine-to-five grind tolerable. You’ll probably make friends in a new position, but it could take some time.

If your current position includes a decent benefits package, you have another reason to stay. Many companies have been forced to cut back on benefits in order to remain profitable. If you still have the luxury of a generous personal and vacation time allotment, health insurance, or a 401k plan, it’s unlikely you’ll find better elsewhere.

If you can do your job well with minimal stress, appreciate it. Consider challenging yourself in other areas of your life rather than at the office. Staying at an “easy” job is especially beneficial if you’d like to work for yourself someday. Less stress and time spent working for someone else means more energy and time after hours to work on building your own business.

As the economy improves, it’s possible that you may be able to find a new position with a higher salary. However, this higher-paying job may also come with more responsibility, more stress, erratic hours, or a necessity for travel. It’s up to you to decide whether the increase in income really equates to greener grass.