5 Ways to Rise to the Occasion After Losing Your Job

Career Advice / January 9, 2023
Table of Contents
  1. Get Training
  2. Consider Trying a New Department
  3. Consider a Leadership Role
  4. Polish Off Your Career Documents
  5. Enhance Your Social Media Game

We’ve seen a lot of layoff announcements in the media recently, and as we continue into 2023 and a recession, we can expect more layoffs. Now, candidates must clamor for the available jobs and compete with their peers like never before.

Certainly, a layoff can be very nerve-wracking, but it can also be a great opportunity to change directions and get your career on a new path. Here are five ideas to help you beat the layoff blues and find a new job, or even a new profession.

1. Get Training

If you have been laid off and are collecting unemployment, now may be the perfect time to get additional job skills by going back to school or getting a certification. Do your research to determine the best program and curriculum that will give you the most bang for your buck.

Consider your personality traits, past experience, interests, and time frame. With more mini-courses emerging online as well you can enhance the skills you already have.

2. Consider Trying a New Department

There are plenty of opportunities in hospitality, and many skills are easily transferrable from one department to the next. Did you work as a front desk agent? You have great customer service skills that can be used in a server position.

Or maybe you’ve learned that you love being creative, but you still have a lot of experience working in hotels. Look for a marketing position in the corporate office! Even if you try something new and decide to return to your original department, you’ll gain new skills that will help you no matter where you go!

3. Consider a Leadership Role

Layoffs are really hard, but they can also be a push in the right direction If you have enough experience built up, and the right skills, consider looking at a leadership role! Your previous company might not have had the opportunity, but another will!

Start by looking at some job descriptions for a role you’d be interested in and see how it matches up to your background and accomplishments.

4. Polish Off Your Career Documents

When you are competing in the job market, you must present yourself in a compelling way. Your resume and cover letter should entice hiring managers and recruiters to call you first. You have to convey your value in a way that makes you stand out above the other candidates.

Your presentation must be visually appealing, and your unique achievements and accomplishments have to be clearly spelled out. The initial impression you make can be the difference between getting an interview and getting passed over.

5. Enhance Your Social Media Game

Update your LinkedIn profile and become active in online groups that can help you network to uncover potential job opportunities. Answering job postings are only a small fraction of the work you need to do to secure new employment in today’s job market.

While traditional resumes are still the mainstay of the job hunt, the digital résumé format has become increasingly popular. It allows you to display multidimensional information that a paper résumé cannot always fully convey.

I know it can be disheartening to face a layoff. If you are one of the many people let go because of layoffs, you owe it to yourself to brainstorm and find a way to advance your career despite the challenges.