4 Statements A Hospitality Employer Might Make That May Not Be True

Career Advice / August 3, 2011

Do you know someone who has lied on his or her resume? The practice is more common than you might think. In fact, one survey found that 58 percent of hiring managers have discovered exaggerations and fabrications on job seeker resumes. According to 33 percent, the falsification issue has actually grown worse since the recession. Of course, applicants aren’t the only ones telling half-truths during the hiring process; employers can be equally dishonest. Before your next hospitality job interview, consider these statements a hotel or restaurant employer might make that may not be true.

1. Our hotel/resort or bar/restaurant is doing great.

While the U.S., U.K., and Canadian hospitality industries have experienced at least modest recoveries since the global recession, some lodging and food service businesses are still struggling. The hiring manager at ABC Hotel and Resort is not going to tell you if their revenue per room is showing a downward trend. The human resource manager at XYZ Steakhouse and Grill is unlikely to be forthcoming about the potential back-of-the-house layoffs. Both of these professionals need to fill that executive chef position with a cook who has a bachelor’s degree and a major concentration in food preparation, management, or nutrition—and they don’t want to frighten you away with anything negative.

Fortunately, you don’t have to take one person’s word that any hospitality establishment is doing well. Search the Internet for local and national news articles, press releases, and other data related to the hotel or restaurant. In the case of publicly traded organizations—such as Hilton Worldwide—you may even be able to locate and review investor reports and other financial information online.

2. We have the best culture in the hospitality industry.

In recent years, culture has become increasingly important to hotel and restaurant job seekers around the world—particularly those from Generation Y. However, not all hospitality employers invest in it equally. Some may do little more than send line cooks a card on their birthday, while others provide their staff—from night auditors to maintenance engineers—with continuing education opportunities, schedule flexibility, and workplace wellness programs.

Before you accept the job offer, research the organization’s culture for yourself. Ask the hiring manager if you can chat with a few of your potential coworkers. Even better, you can request the opportunity to spend a day shadowing the hospitality professionals who already work there.

3. Experience is the deciding salary factor.

Most hotels, resorts, bars, and restaurants have at least a ballpark salary figure in mind before they post an available job. If the hiring manager asks about your salary expectations, he or she’s trying to determine if you’re in that ballpark. If you receive the “pay depends on experience” response when you ask them about salary, the organization may be planning to pay their chosen candidate no more than what he or she was earning before.

Whether you’re pursuing an assistant general manager job with greater responsibility or a sous chef position within a larger restaurant, research is your best weapon in the salary game. Websites like PayScale aggregate salary data for positions within hospitality and other industries. Glassdoor also collects and publishes salary information by occupation. Make sure you know what a competitive salary is for your position, the industry, and the region, as well as typical gradations based on years of experience.

4. We haven’t finished interviewing candidates.

Sometimes this is true. Other times it means ABC Hotel and Resort wants to delay their decision for a while in case the perfect front desk supervisor is still out there—one who has leadership or supervisory experience, as well as the ability to juggle chainsaws and leap tall buildings in a single bound.

If the hiring manager says he or she is still meeting with candidates when you check in the week after your job interview, consider the statement an opportunity to prove yourself. Ask him or her if they have any further questions about your experience or any concerns about your ability to succeed at his or her organization. Then address anything that comes up with statements that clearly illustrate why you’re the best candidate for the job.