7 Things to Negotiate Other Than Your Salary
Consejos empleo / January 30, 2024So you nailed the interview, and now you have an unread email in your inbox titled job offer. You’ve been thinking about the salary and are wondering, “Do I want to negotiate a higher salary?”
Did you know there are other things you can negotiate (besides salary)?
Learning how to negotiate builds confidence, shows your new employer what you value, and helps you move up the corporate ladder. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, so don’t let potential benefits and hidden perks slip through your fingertips!
In this blog post, we will show you other benefits you can negotiate for besides your salary. So if you want to find out, keep reading.
7 things to negotiate
Paid annual leave
Rather than negotiating for a higher salary, you can request an extra week or two for that holiday you’ve been dreaming about. Although it doesn’t directly increase your take-home pay, having the additional annual leave gives you extra time to unwind and unplug from work.
Working hours
One suggested strategy is to say to your future employer that you plan to be in the office full-time for the first few months to familiarize yourself with the business, before moving to a flexible hours situation.
Working from home
Working from home is really popular, but remember, it is not an entitlement. Make sure you negotiate Working From Home days appropriately, framing it in terms of the benefit to the business.
Professional development opportunities
If you’re interested in professional development, it can be worth asking if your company would be willing to offer a stipend or reimbursement for training, certification, membership dues, or industry conferences. Professional development is important for one’s own career goals. Not only can you benefit by upskilling, but these development opportunities can also benefit the company you are working with.
Parental leave
It’s worth asking about paid maternity or paternity leave policies and seeing what could benefit you in the future. Also good to ask if the organization has any support with childcare.
Gym memberships, standing desk, or other health and wellness benefits
You can negotiate for new and upgraded amenities that help improve employee wellbeing, plus you can make a case that this could also extend as a benefit to the rest of the staff. Other ideas include office yoga or lunchtime personal training, healthy breakfasts, snacks, or meditation facilities.
Work phone or laptop
You might need technology to get the job done. Think about what devices or technologies (programs) will help you be more productive.
Having to work in a non-toxic, considerate work environment where you have access to all the perks that could make your hospitality career grow is a dream come true. When next you get a job offer or need to speak up in your current workplace, do not hesitate to negotiate confidently.