What Company Values Matter Most to You?

Job Search Tips / May 2, 2023
Table of Contents
  1. What Are Company Values?
  2. Find Companies with Values That Matter to You

Finding the right job has evolved greatly. We now know that although salary may still be the most important factor in someone choosing to apply for a job, it’s not the only one. 

Now, people are looking for the culture, values, and extra perks that make an employer stand out above the rest – especially since there are still more jobs than job seekers on the market. 

What Are Company Values? 

Company values are the beliefs, behaviors, and/or principles that drive the business. They’re basically a company’s DNA. 

Some values can include:

  • Collaboration 
  • Innovation 
  • Personal development 
  • Inclusion
  • Trust 

Find Companies with Values That Matter to You

The first place you can look to find a company’s values is usually their about us section. They will either have them listed out or written in their mission statement. 

At Hcareers, we’ve also added a feature to help you with your job search. When you create your profile, you can choose what values you are looking for in a company and choose up to 10. Once you complete the Fit Score survey, you’ll get matched based on how well those values match the company’s values.