One Big Job Search Fable

Job Search Tips / December 4, 2013

There are many ways to end up on Santa’s proverbial naughty list. Eating someone else’s yogurt from the break room refrigerator is certain to get you there, as is using the last of the bathroom tissue and failing to replace it. However, we’ll reserve the largest lump of coal for any hospitality professional who continues to perpetuate the industry’s biggest job search fable: no one finds a new position during the holidays. Consider these reasons to cast aside this all too common misconception and make December the month you pursue the next step in your hotel or restaurant management career.

1. Schedules are more flexible.

While your after-work hours may be full of shopping, baking, and cleaning in preparation for the holidays, you could actually find yourself with a little more downtime than usual on the job. This means it should be easier to take a few hours off for interviews than it will be once business picks up again in January.

2. Recruiters and hiring managers are available.

According to a survey conducted by ExecuNet, 65 percent of hiring managers are in the office and ready to see job seekers during the holiday season. In fact, 53 percent of those surveyed report the number of interviews they conduct remains the same or even increases in the last two months of the year.

3. There’s less competition for the best hospitality positions.

Because so many restaurant and hotel management job seekers postpone their search until after the New Year, employers and recruiters receive fewer phone calls, emails, resumes, and applications from interested professionals. This means they’ll have more time to talk to you about available opportunities and your stellar qualifications.

4. Budgeting can work in your favor.

If a large hotel or restaurant chain has a surplus of funds in their employment budget, they may want to use it before the year is over. If you’re among the few highly qualified professionals on their radar, you’ll increase your chances of landing the job. Don’t hesitate to use email, a phone call, or a holiday card to reach out to decision-makers, whether they are actively hiring or not.

5. Networking opportunities are plentiful.

From industry association gatherings to neighborhood get-togethers, holiday parties are the perfect place to make new contacts. While you shouldn’t conduct every conversation like a job interview, it’s perfectly acceptable to mention your interest in available hospitality management positions and exchange business cards.

Don’t let the hospitality industry’s biggest job search fable leave you with an empty stocking this holiday season. Make December the month you pursue the next step in your hotel or restaurant management career instead. You just might find a shiny new job under the tree as a result.