3 Unique Interview Tactics to Try in the New Year

Job Search Tips / January 3, 2024

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything in your interviews and nothing is working? It may be time to refresh your interview tactics! 

The key to any great interview is practice and preparation. You should know how your skills apply to a role like the back of your hand. You should also know quite a bit about the company you are applying for – do your research! After that, practice how you want to present yourself. 

Once you check that off your list, it’s time to apply some unique interview tactics that just might get you the role!

Take Up Space

People are generally nervous about interviews, you’re not alone. There is so much pressure to get the job and present your best self. 

You often hear that for interviews, “confidence is key” and to “fake ‘till you make it.” And while that is not bad advice, the question is how? One way is through your body language. While your words and tone of voice are saying one thing, you want to make sure your body is saying the same thing. One way to do this is to take up space.

When we are nervous we subconsciously scrunch ourselves up and make ourselves small. Before an interview spread yourself out! Even if you need to do it in the bathroom, stretch out your arms above your head, stand up, and stretch your legs out. 

This will help trick your brain into thinking that you’re less nervous than you are. When you are in front of the interviewer be conscious about relaxing your shoulders, uncrossing your arms and legs, and using your face to convey your message just as much as your words.

Pause – Take A Deep Breath

Are you the type of person that speed talks when you’re nervous? This tactic is for you. 

There are many times in a conversation when it’s okay to pause during an interview should be like a conversation, and we’re here to assure you that taking a pause is OKAY.

Did the person interviewing you ask a question you don’t know right off the bat? Take a pause! Do you feel like your heart is racing during your interview? While the interviewer is asking the next question, take a deep breath.

This will help you calm your nervous system and answer the question more evenly. If you find that you are asked a question with multiple options, it’s okay to take a moment to think about it. Fumbling around for an answer or stuttering until your mind catches up is more awkward than taking a moment to pause!

Make a Positive Closing Statement

The end of an interview can be awkward but, see it as your last chance to leave an impression on the interviewer. Make sure to express your appreciation for their time and consideration. 

Making a confident, positive statement like “ I KNOW I would be a great fit for this role” or “I would love to show you how my skills can improve the company” can make an impact. Also, express your eagerness and excitement to hear back from them soon.

 Just like any interaction we have, the last impression matters, you want the interviewer to remember you as appreciative, confident, and ready to be a part of their team.