New Hire Onboarding Checklist: Set Them Up for Success

Employer Articles / July 1, 2024

Onboarding is the time when a new employee gets to become acquainted with the workplace, their team, and their new day-to-day life while being set up for success. 

A successful onboarding leads to better job performance and higher employee satisfaction which will lead to higher retention, but what makes a strong onboarding schedule? 

These are 9 steps to include on our onboarding checklist to successfully start a new employees journey: 

Before the employee starts

1. Prepare their paperwork 

Gather all of the documents you need the employee to fill out, read through, or sign such as tax documents, payroll information, employee handbook, etc… 

2. Set up devices, equipment or order uniforms’

Make sure to request all devices, like computers, monitors, phones, badges, or order the uniform they need to get started immediately on their first day. 

3. Set up accounts and logins 

Have your IT team set up any email addresses, portal logins, employee numbers or building access codes they will need on their first day. 

For the first day

1. Start the day with HR 

Although your HR team may not be onsite, have the new employee meet with an HR team member so they can meet who to turn to with employment questions or if they ever need someone to talk to about a workplace concern that is not their manager. 

This is also when they can walk through the employee handbook, cover benefits ad general workplace rules.

2. Send a welcome email or message to the company 

Having the employee’s new manager send a note to the team or company introducing and welcoming them aboard can help really make them feel part of the team and excited to get started. It will open the door for all employees to reach out to them and connect individually. 

3. Walkthrough the building 

It can be extremely stressful to not know where you are going during your workday. Make sure to show them where the bathrooms are, where they can find any equipment needed, where your office or team office is and any other common areas the employee will be using frequently. 

4. Assign a peer mentor

Introduce the new employee to their team and assign them a team member to help mentor them during their first few weeks on the job. This person should be available for questions, introduce them to other team members throughout all departments and help train them if needed. 

60% of our audience said that they do not have or have not had anyone they would consider a mentor but mentioned that they would have gained a lot of knowledge and support from having one. 

5. Ask for onboarding feedback 

Schedule a follow-up for the new employee with the HR team after their first few weeks to get their input on the onboarding plan and anything they feel worked well or was missing to set them up for success. 

6. Set up a plan 

Have their manager set up a 30, 60, and 90-day plan for the new employee with check-ins and specific goals written out so the employee has something they are working towards and can ask for support in real-time to meet their checkpoints and goals.