How to Show Your Emotional Intelligence on Your Resume and Why It’s Important

Career Advice / July 20, 2021

By teaching people to tune in to their emotions with intelligence and to expand their circles of caring, we can transform organizations from the inside out and make a positive difference in our world – Dr. Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

As you navigate the job hunt, you may have noticed the rising importance of emotional intelligence, especially during the interview process. Dr. Daniel Goleman, an accomplished author on the subject, suggests that your emotional quotient (EQ) can be an indicator of success and fulfillment.

Employers and their HR teams are on the lookout not only for professionals who demonstrate specific skills but those who recognize and understand what their colleagues are going through emotionally. You may be self-aware, but are you good at monitoring your emotions along with those of the people you interact with? Are you a good listener who approaches others with empathy?

Are you a team player?

Emotional intelligence involves being someone who understands, collaborates, and communicates well with others. You take into consideration, “what is the best solution for everyone involved?” 

This is particularly important in the hospitality industry when you’re expected to work on team projects, manage others, or be sensitive when interacting with guests. 

When it comes to completing your resume, you can demonstrate your EQ by considering the answers to these six questions:

  1. Do you pick up on emotional cues from others? And if so, how do address them before they blow up into a problem within a company?
  2. Have you successfully managed deadlines and paid attention to detail?
  3. Can you show the measurable success that demonstrates how you increased productivity to meet a specific challenge such as a sales quota?
  4. How have you resolved conflict, decreased workplace stress, managed time, etc?
  5. How are your organizational skills? A key attribute of EQ is self-management so illustrate how you manage time and/or stress to stay focused.
  6. Do you have a flexible mindset? Explain how you’re able to adjust when receiving new information that may call for a shift in your approach to a project/goal.

Therefore, avoid simply answering the above six questions with a ‘yes,’ ‘no’ or a descriptor like “good communicator.” Convey how you’ve kept customers/team members engaged, managed deadlines, worked well with others, etc. 

Describe specific situations at previous positions you’ve held – situations where you exhibited awareness of not only your emotions, but the emotions of others and how you nurtured healthy relationships with colleagues, supervisors, customers/clientele, guests, and/or vendors.

For instance, have you successfully resolved conflicts with customers and achieved a positive outcome? In the hotel industry, you may have found yourself dealing with guests who arrive for check-in after a long, perhaps frustrating, day of travel. Were you able to convert a disgruntled guest into a happy, return customer?  If so, how?

When you convey this in words on your resume, you’re likely to pique the interest of potential employers. They’ll be curious to discuss how your skills can translate into serving the needs of their company and its future success. Or, as Dr. Goleman said, how you can make a positive difference in the world.