Didn’t Get Hired? Here Are 6 Possible Reasons to Consider

Advice From Employers / January 18, 2022

You did it! Your resume got through the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and you landed that sought-after interview.

However, later on, when you opened your email there it was – that polite, but dreaded message. It said, “Thanks for interviewing with us, but we’ve decided to go in another direction.” Or, “Thank you for your interest in employment with ABC Company. At this time, we have decided to pursue another applicant who more closely matches the needs of the position.”

What? You thought your skills matched the needs of the position. And, you thought you “aced” the interview. So, what went wrong?

When that much-anticipated job offer doesn’t come through there may be any number of reasons why you did not get hired. Here are six of them to consider:

1. The position was filled internally

It’s not unusual for this to happen. Someone within the company, someone who already understands the position, has been grooming their skills for a long time waiting for this opportunity to arise. With that in mind you might think, “Why then did they interview me?” In many cases, a company is required to advertise and interview for an open position before confirming the hire internally. It’s frustrating, but in essence, the decision had very little to do with you so don’t take it personally.

2. You didn’t research the company ahead of time

You may have visited the company’s website, but did you research the current industry trends/challenges, read up on the leadership team, visit LinkedIn® profiles, explore the company’s goals, mission, or culture? Your answers to interview questions may have revealed that you hadn’t done enough research and therefore, it seemed you weren’t really interested.

3. Your values don’t align with the company’s values

Company culture continues to grow in importance. According to the Harvard Business Review, culture fit is a key trait companies look for when recruiting. Think back to your conversation during the interview. Did you demonstrate not only that your skills were a fit for the job, but that your values were a fit with the company culture?

4. Your sense of confidence didn’t shine through

Maybe this position requires some skills that will be new to you, but when applying for the job you felt confident about your ability to learn something new. They invited you to interview for the position because they saw your potential and/or were intrigued enough to learn more about you. However, when you got to the interview your nerves got to you and that sense of confidence didn’t shine through – either in your body language or in the conversation itself. The reverse side of the coin is you may have been seen as overly confident, arrogant or smug.

5. Lack of follow-through

When you got home after the interview did you sit down and write a ‘thank you note? No matter how the interview went, sending a handwritten note that reiterates something you discussed during your conversation demonstrates your continued interest. And, it’s simply good job search etiquette

6. You missed some basics

Did you dress appropriately? Were you on time for the interview? Were you polite to everyone you met (including the receptionist)?

You may not always get the opportunity to find out just why you weren’t hired. That polite but dreaded email message may be the only communication you get after the interview. Review these six possibilities and do an honest assessment of your interview. It will help you move onward and upward to the next interview and possibly land you that dream job next time around. Good luck!